Empowering integrators to win more business, improve project management and enhance customer perception.

Generate engaging industry leading proposals in minutes with live-linked products directly from suppliers.


Corporate, Education, Hospitality, Broadcast, Retail and Healthcare

WeQuote Pro AV is a cloud based quoting platform with direct connections to the biggest AV and IT suppliers in the UK.

Stop manually adding your parts and start quoting with live-linked products directly from your suppliers.

Create professional proposals that stand out from the crowd

WeQuote has been designed to make the creation of industry leading proposals simple and easy for integrators. Choose from pre-made templates or design your own.



Interactive quoting

Create engaging live proposals for your clients that set you apart from competitors.

Options library

Present interactive product options to your clients that adjusts pricing in real time.

Team management

Enhanced visibility of project expenditure and increased sales force management.

Live Supplier Data

Enjoy the benefits of live pricing and stock information when building proposals.

Easy access toolkits

Build predefined systems and toolkit templates that enable fast proposal delivery.

Seamless integration

WeQuote includes optional plug-ins for Xero, Zoho, Stripe and Quickbooks.

Add products directly from your live-link suppliers

Search distributor catalogues and add products to a quotation in seconds

No manual entry

Live prices updated every night

Get the right parts

Create purchase orders and choose exactly what to call off, then send to your distributors for the parts.

Order the right parts from the right places

Cut down the time required to pick your parts

Quote in seconds

Pre-built templates and an infinitely flexible proposal structure ensures quoting customers is fast and professional.

Easy-access toolkits

Pre-defined bespoke systems and bundles

Global product search & live stock feed

Search across all of your suppliers utilising real-time pricing and stock information.

Never miss a price change again

View live stock from multiple vendors

Join the commercial integrators quoting hundreds of projects everyday.



Sustainable Energy


UK Distributors

Available Brands

Let's change the way we quote.

At WeQuote, we’ve developed the first full pipeline that can start you at an introductory pitch and finish with a signed proposal.

Let’s dive in right now.