Frequently Asked Questions

We answer commonly asked questions about WeQuote to show you why we're the best quoting platform on the market.

What are the differences between WeQuote and other trade quoting platforms?

WeQuote is the only UK-centric quoting platform with trade pricing from suppliers. We have partnered with the UK’s biggest suppliers to bring you trade prices, product additions and discontinuations updated every night.

WeQuote is built by an AV and controls integrator in the UK meaning all of the features have been built, tried and tested in the field to provide solutions for real-world problems we face.

How is the software priced?

Our pricing is based on accepted quote value. This means you only pay more when you make more. If a quote is not accepted, you won’t add to your quota.

What is an accepted quote?

A quote becomes accepted once you have marked it as “accepted” after your customer has accepted the quote. Before this point, you will be able to create unlimited revisions and make any changes required to get it over the line.

Can I invite my staff and are we all able to use it at the same time?

You can invite an unlimited number of staff to join your platform. What’s more, WeQuote is based in the cloud so you can all work on the same quote at the same time.

Can I display labour in the way I want?

Labour can be shown at the end of a quote, per system, per area or included within individual products. You are also able to stack multiple types of labour into one line depending on the detail you need to provide to your customer.

Can I get my suppliers on the platform?

Yes. Let us know or even send them an email letting them know you’d like to quote with their products on WeQuote. We’ll do everything in our power to get them on the platform

Can I bring my products and quotes over from another platform?

Most likely, yes, if you contact us and provide further information we will be able to let you know if it’s possible.

How did WeQuote come about?

WeQuote was built by an AV & Controls integrator after 15 years of frustration using sub-par or non-UK based quoting platforms.

Get started with the most powerful quoting platform on the market.

Add products at speed, quickly build and repeat accurate quotations then generate stunning proposals to win the job.


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